Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bottlecap Magnets

I've seen many a shop around etsy selling bottlecap magnets and they are so cute and creative and unique. When I have made bottlecap magnets they haven't been as cute or creative or for that matter unique. I've always just stuck a magnet on the back and called it good. As you can see from the photo, I have accumulated quite a few of these magnets. I DID NOT drink that many beers, I swear! Nat Light? C'mon! I have made probably 4-5 times as many than you see here because I gave them away. If someone I know has a favorite drink of choice I will give them magnets of that brand. I got a TON of caps from a local beer tasting event. It's safe to say I probably made a fool of myself trying to discreetly manuever caps from under tables while also trying to navigate around the rather large crowd. Most of the magnets in the pic were taken off of my very own fridge for the picture.

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