Saturday, June 10, 2006

Superman & Wonder Woman

For some reason I've always loved Superman and Wonder Woman. When I was a kid I tried to fly like Superman and I still have the scars to prove it. I watched Super Friends every day and would draw pictures of my favorite superheroes. I loved the first 2 Christopher Reeve Superman movies so much that I pretty much destroyed the videotapes from excessive viewing. The one thing that I was never ever in to was comic books. Lately though I have started looking at comics but not to read but to destroy in the name of art.

These are some pics of glass marble magnets that I have been making from Superman and Wonder Woman comic books that I bought at flea markets. The Superman comics are only about 10-13 years old and have much brighter, vivid scenes. The only Wonder Woman comic I was able to find is over 20 years old and features more muted tones and distinctly older style of graphics. Several sets of both characters are available in my Etsy shop. Click the "Etsy Shop" link on the sidebar to get there.

While on the subject of Superman and Etsy, I just have to share a pic of my favorite earrings. I bought them from danirockyo on Etsy back in February and I now wear them all the time. I am always getting compliments on them and I can't wait to wear them to see the new Superman movie this summer!

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